Online Tool Illustrates Key State Energy and Carbon Pollution Data

Leading up to the Obama Administration's release of new carbon pollution standards for the power sector, the Georgetown Climate Center today launched a dynamic online tool that generates maps and graphics that can help the public better understand how the new rules may affect different states.

The data visualization tool is intended to assist state policymakers, stakeholders, and reporters grappling with energy and carbon pollution data. It gives users the ability to compare energy and carbon pollution data across multiple states, create regions for analyzing potential multi-state collaborations under the new rules, view in-depth state energy profiles, and generate an array of U.S. data maps, including maps that show the degree to which carbon pollution has changed in each state since 2005. It will also provide context about how such data can inform states' compliance options under the power plant standards.

"We believe this tool provides essential data for states as they move forward to implement the power plant standards to achieve cost-effective carbon pollution reductions," said Vicki Arroyo, executive director of the Georgetown Climate Center. "The tool makes it easy to see how many states have already reduced their carbon pollution emissions and emission rates, and to explore the potential for further reductions."

The State Energy Analysis Tool provides state-by-state breakdowns of key energy data, including carbon pollution reductions, electricity generation sources, changes in electricity generation mix over time, emissions of carbon dioxide and other pollutants, renewable energy usage, and states' clean energy potential. Data provided by the tool is compiled from leading sources, including the U.S. Energy Information Administration and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

To view State Energy Analysis Tool data, click on one of the links below:

View State Profiles and Data Maps
Compare States on Energy and Climate Criteria
Explore the Benefits of Capping Carbon Pollution

The Center launched an initial, spreadsheet-based version of the tool in 2013 that was developed by the Analysis Group. Today's tool builds on the initial success of its predecessor, increases the amount of data available, and provides users with an interactive, graphics-rich experience.