West Fowl River

The Mobile Bay National Estuary Program (MBNEP) received funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund (GBEF) to develop watershed management plans (WMP) for several intertidal watersheds along the Alabama coast. The West Fowl River Watershed was identified as one of the priority watersheds and the MBNEP partnered with the Mobile County Soil and Water Conservation District to develop the West Fowl River Watershed Management Plan. The goal of the plan is to provide a roadmap for restoring and conserving the watershed and improving water and habitat quality in areas where resources could have been damaged by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. This WMP charts a conceptual course for improving and protecting the things people value most about living along the Alabama coast. This WMP was completed in 2019 and is available to view or download by clicking the links below under Final Plan.

Final Plan

If you have questions about the West Fowl River Watershed Management Plan or any related restoration efforts, please feel free contact us.

Latest Uploads

Multiple Indicators of Wastewater Contamination to Shellfish Farms Near a Tidal River Technical Reports 11/19/2021
West Fowl River Watershed Road Signage Interpretive Signage 06/01/2021
West Fowl River Watershed Hydrologic Modeling Technical Reports 10/27/2020
Habitat Conservation and Restoration Plan for Coastal Alabama Technical Reports 10/25/2019
West Fowl River/Portersville Bay Pathogen Study Technical Reports 09/10/2019
West Fowl River Watershed Management Plan Appendices 2019 Watershed Management Plans 07/31/2019
West Fowl River Watershed Management Plan Watershed Management Plans 06/14/2019
West Fowl River Watershed Sedimentation and Water Quality Assessment Technical Reports 05/03/2017
Habitat Mapping of Mobile and Baldwin Counties Maps and Schematics 07/16/2016
GEMS-Gulf Ecological Management Sites of Coastal Alabama Report Brochures, other 11/11/2013
GEMS-Northern Mississippi Sound and Mon Louis Island Brochures, other 11/11/2013
Coastal Habitat Atlas: Acquisition and Restoration Priorities of Mobile and Baldwin Counties Data 06/15/2006

Watershed Information