D'Olive Creek

Final Plan

Purpose of Watershed Management Plan

Excessive erosion and sedimentation have plagued the approximately 7,700-acre D’Olive Watershed since the 1970s. Population growth and urban development have continued to intensify problems in each of the Watershed’s three principal drainages (D’Olive Creek, Tiawasee Creek, and Joe’s Branch) within the Cities of Daphne and Spanish Fort and associated unincorporated areas of Baldwin County. Increased volume and velocity of stormwater runoff, as well as changes to local drainage patterns, have exacerbated concerns over erosion and sedimentation within the Watershed’s stream network, Lake Forest Lake, D’Olive Bay, and Mobile Bay.

Watershed Management Plan Goals

The four primary objectives that guided the development of the conceptual management measures addressed in the WMP were:

  • Reduce upstream sediment inputs into the Lake Forest Lake/D'Olive/Tiawasee system.
  • Reduce ongoing sediment loads into D'Olive Bay and the Mobile Bay estuary.
  • Remediate and restore past effects of these sediment loads, including lake restoration.
  • Mitigate future impacts of development in the watersheds, where feasible.

Lake Forest Lake

Lake Forest Lake and its tributaries, D’Olive Creek and Tiawassee Creek, are valuable assets to our community. They provide aesthetic and recreational benefits to Lake Foresters and the surrounding community, are the home to many forms of life, and the lake plays an important ecological function in keeping sediment out of D’Olive Bay. These water bodies and the life they support are resources worth preserving and enhancing.

Over the years, Lake Forest Lake has performed very well in its role of sediment trapping. So well in fact that its function defines its fate: eventually filling completely with sediment. This is an outcome that is in no one’s best interest. With careful planning and forethought though, the useful life of the lake can be extended for the mutual benefit of Lake Foresters and its wetland life.

The planning involved with preserving and restoring the lake is a community effort. The Mobile Bay National Estuary Program, with funding provided by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund, and assistance from the Lake Forest Property Owners Association, has assembled a team to study and identify goals, expectations, and concepts for preserving and restoring Lake Forest Lake.

Lake Forest Lake documents for download
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If you have questions about the D'Olive Creek Watershed Management Plan or any related restoration efforts, please feel free contact us.

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Latest Uploads

Canterbury Stream Restoration - Segment DACA1 Request for Proposals 02/02/2022
Lake Forest Sediment Trapping Efficiency and Capacity Technical Reports 07/29/2020
D'Olive Valuation Report Draft - Vittor Technical Reports 03/04/2020
Watershed Condition Framework Technical Reports 01/31/2020
D'Olive Watershed Update Request for Proposals 12/04/2019
Habitat Conservation and Restoration Plan for Coastal Alabama Technical Reports 10/25/2019
D'Olive Creek Partnership Interpretive Signage 10/15/2019
Daphne Alligator Alley Interpretive Signage 10/15/2019
Tiawasee Creek Interpretive Signage 10/15/2019
Tiawasee Creek - Slow the Flow of Stormwater Interpretive Signage 10/15/2019
D'Olive Bay Long Term Monitoring Final Report Technical Reports 10/04/2019
D'Olive Creek Watershed Road Signage Interpretive Signage 09/26/2019
Evaluation of Pre- and Post-Restoration Sediment Loads in Joe's Branch, Spanish Ft, Baldwin Co. Technical Reports 08/21/2019
Lake Forest Lake Sediment Removal Feasibility Study Technical Reports 06/28/2017
D'Olive Watershed Wetland Rapid Assessment Procedure and Floristic Quality Index Assessment Technical Reports 03/19/2017
DAE Stream Erosion Repair/Drainage/Construction Request for Proposals 02/10/2017
Lake Forest Mapping Technical Reports 11/21/2016
Lake Forest Mapping: Analysis of Shoaling and Pool Volumes Technical Reports 08/16/2016
Habitat Mapping of Mobile and Baldwin Counties Maps and Schematics 07/16/2016
D'Olive Creek Watershed Discharge Rating, Confirmation and Updates Technical Reports 06/07/2016
D'Olive Watershed Wetland Rapid Assessment Procedure and Floristic Quality Index Assessment Technical Reports 03/19/2016
D'Olive Watershed Wetland Rapid Assessment Procedure and Floristic Quality Index Assessment Technical Reports 03/19/2015
D'Olive Creek Hydrologic Modeling Technical Reports 10/19/2014
Joes Branch Post Restoration Assessment Technical Reports 09/25/2014
Joes Branch Post Restoration Monitoring Maps and Schematics 09/25/2014
Daphne Village Point Invasive Species Management Technical Reports 03/03/2014
GEMS-Gulf Ecological Management Sites of Coastal Alabama Report Brochures, other 11/11/2013
Daphne LID Project Final Report Technical Reports 03/17/2013
D'Olive Creek I-10 Assessment Technical Reports 03/25/2012
D'Olive Watershed Management Plan Resolution of Support Technical Reports 10/10/2011
D'Olive Watershed Management Plan Watershed Management Plans 06/15/2010
DOlive and Tiawasee Creek Sediment Loading Rates and Impacts of Land-Use Change Technical Reports 06/15/2007
Coastal Habitat Atlas: Acquisition and Restoration Priorities of Mobile and Baldwin Counties Data 06/15/2006
Sedimentological Study of D'Olive Bay and its Drainage Basin Technical Reports 07/05/1981

Watershed Information