Our Values

The MBNEP works within a set of core values to achieve our goals.

Access: We understand the importance of providing everyone with access to water and open spaces for recreation and enjoyment, fostering a deeper connection with nature.

Beaches and Shorelines: We are committed to preserving the beauty and economic benefits of our beaches, dunes, and shorelines.

Fish and Wildlife: We prioritize the conservation and restoration of habitats for fish and wildlife.

Heritage and Culture: We cherish our coastal way of life and work to preserve its legacy for future generations.

Resiliency: We believe enhancing Coastal Alabama's capacity to rebound from tropical systems and other unforeseen events is crucial for a healthy, well-managed environment.

Water Quality: We place a high value on restoring and maintaining the chemical and biological integrity of Alabama’s waters, safeguarding it from pollution and destruction and protecting public health and wildlife habitat for future generations to enjoy.