Bays and Bayous Symposium

Finding Balance:
Ecology, Economy, and Community
The Bays and Bayous Symposium was held on January 24-25, 2023 at the Arthur Outlaw Mobile Convention Center in Mobile, Alabama. Around 500 scientists, local resource managers, government officials, industry professionals, and nonprofit leaders joined together to share the latest information about the estuary's changing watersheds, impacts from major stressors, recovery programs for species and habitats, and emerging challenges along the Northern Gulf Coast. The symposium is held biennially and alternates between the Alabama and Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Attendees were challenged with the theme of Finding Balance: Economy, Ecology, and Community as they explored five tracks: Understanding Coastal Ecosystems, Improving Coastal Management, Strengthening Coastal Landscapes, Sharing Coastal Knowledge, and Emerging Coastal Issues, each promoting scientific exploration and community understanding.
2023 BBS Program Final