Business Resources Committee

The Business Resources Committee brings together leaders from different industries, businesses, and environmental services to identify ways to balance business needs and environmental priorities. The Business Resources Committee aims to find common environmental concerns and potential market-based solutions. The Committee discusses and educates others about how different issues relate to environmental sustainability, such as quality of life, economic opportunity, land management, environmental responsibility, economic prosperity, and natural resource preservation.

Meeting Information

September 21, 2023: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation
June 6, 2023: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation
March 22, 2023: Admiral Shellfish Company tour

August 10, 2022: Agenda & Minutes
May 18, 2022: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation
February 8, 2022: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation

August 11, 2021: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation
May 12, 2021: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation
February 10, 2021: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation

August 12, 2020: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation
June 17, 2020: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation
April 28, 2020: Minutes

March 19, 2019: Minutes

Archive (2013-2018)