Government Networks Committee

Purpose: The Government Networks Committee (GNC) brings together elected federal, state, and local public officials, as well as heads of federal and state agencies, and regional administrators or their representatives to educate about state priorities and programs; provides a venue for local officials to more effectively communicate local needs, and; improves government management of our coastal resources. The GNC is tasked with

  1. Identifying issues of common concern;
  2. Sharing information with constituencies about environmental needs;
  3. Affecting local policy changes; and
  4. Discussing how federal and state agencies and elected officials can work with local governments to cooperatively address local issues.

The GNC may make recommendations to the EC about the CCMP and associated Work Plans.

Representation: The GNC is open to all elected federal, state, and local public officials, as well as heads of federal and state agencies, and regional administrators or their representatives.

Governance: The Co-chairs of the GNC will be permanently held by a County Commissioner appointed by each of the Mobile and Baldwin County Commissions.

Meeting Information

September 2024:
June 28, 2024: Agenda, GNC Presentation
March 22, 2024: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation

September 29, 2023: Agenda, Presentation
June 16, 2023: Agenda & Minutes, Presentations: GNC Presentation,
March 31, 2023: Agenda & Minutes, Presentations: GNC Presentation, Planning for Resilient Shorelines

August 26, 2022: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation
May 26, 2022: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation
March 11, 2022: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation

October 8, 2021: Agenda & Minutes
May 27, 2021: Agenda & Minutes
February 5, 2021: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation

August 14, 2020: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation
May 4, 2020: Minutes, Presentation
March 13, 2020: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation

September 20, 2019: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation, Osprey Initiative Presentation
June 7, 2019: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation
March 22, 2019: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation

Archive (2012-2018)