Science Advisory Committee

Purpose: The Science Advisory Committee (SAC) brings together experts from various scientific disciplines to assess and communicate the health of the estuary and coastal resources; identifies areas of stress, data and data gaps, research and research gaps; and supports the Program Office with the best available science. The SAC is tasked with

  1. Assessing trends to determine where stresses are most acute in the system;
  2. Developing frameworks, monitoring protocols, and projects for measuring changes in ecosystem health;
  3. Providing technical advice and conducting scientific review of issues/activities requested by other committees; and
  4. Identifying opportunities for public participation and project involvement (e.g., citizen monitoring).

The SAC may make recommendations to the EC about the CCMP and associated Work Plans.

Representation: The SAC is open to all scientists and government agency staff interested in the mission of the Conference.

Governance: One Co-chair of the SAC will be a permanently seated senior leadership representative from a State of Alabama resource agency and one Co-chair will be a scientist elected by the committee.


Mobile Bay Subwatershed Restoration Monitoring Framework, 2015

Meeting Information

June 2024:
March 15, 2024:

September 22, 2023: Agenda, Presentation
June 9, 2023: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation
April 6, 2023: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation

August 19, 2022: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation
May 20, 2022: Agenda & Minutes
February 25, 2022: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation

October 8, 2021: Agenda & Minutes, Presentation
May 21, 2021: Agenda & Minutes
January 29, 2021: Agenda & Minutes

August 12, 2020: Agenda & Minutes
July 24, 2020: Agenda
May 22, 2020: Agenda & Minutes
January 24, 2020: Agenda & Minutes, Presentations: D'Olive Watershed Restoration Monitoring and Development of a Watershed Condition Framework Stressor Matrix, Stressor Evaluation Matrix

September 13, 2019: Agenda & Minutes, Presentations: Draft Evaluation Framework, Habitat Classification Scheme; Coal Ash Pond Hydrogeology Results
May 10, 2019: Agenda & Minutes, Presentations: Alabama SAV Monitoring Program, Fowl River Community Meeting
March 15, 2019: Agenda & Minutes

Archive (2012-2018)